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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Treasure Chest Thursday

Geneabloggers sends out a selection daily blogging prompts  - theme ideas (a choice of several per day -- to help those of us drawing blanks on what to blog about. I had meant to participate in yesterday's Wordless Wednesday by posting a picture [for me, it would have been a "(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday as I couldn't just post without explanation!].

I missed that; but I think the photo also counts as a Family Treasure, so I'll post it today.

Climbing My Family Tree: 1st home of Phillip & Pearl Pauline (Bailey) Snyder, Findlay OH. 1913.

This is a picture of my great-grandparents, Phillip and Pearl Pauline (Bailey) Snyder's first home, at 531 W. Lima Street, Findlay, Ohio. The inscription on the back said that the picture was probably taken in 1913, and that "Dad" (Phillip  Snyder) bought the home (cash) on marriage March 8, 1909.  The people in the picture are identified as "mother" (Pearl Pauline Bailey Snyder), seated on the porch railing. In this photo she is about 22 years old. Her daughter Christina (approx 1 year old) is seated in a small chair on the lawn below her, and the boy standing, all in white, is her son Clarence (approx. 3 years old). Clarence Snyder is my grandfather.

When I last visited my parents I took a picture of the photo in its cardboard frame, as I loved the picture of my grandfather as a child, and the picture of my great-grand-mother who I'd never seen before. Last week, after posting the Ancestor Highlight about my great-grand-aunt, Myrtle Bailey, who was a Missionary to China, I "met", through Facebook, my Mom's cousin and her daughter* who are also doing family history research into Myrtle and other family members. It has been so great to meet them! The child Christina, in the photo, is my Mom's cousin's mother. So I'm sharing this Family Treasure for them also.

ADDENDUM: I will have to research ownership of the house as a 'fact' later since in the 1910 Federal Census Phillip Snyder is shown as renting the house the family lived in at the time of the census.

*I've promised my parents and brothers that I'll not mention them by name (nor any of their kids) in my blog. I've not asked my newly found relatives if they have the same security concerns as my brothers and parents, but decided to play it safe and accord them the same courtesy of not naming anyone living.


  1. How wonderful that you've already connected with unknown family! It's only fitting that the connection should come through such a wonderful post!

    1. Yes, it is great! Although, to be honest, they were only unknown to me. They were FB friends with my Aunt already. Thanks for liking my post about Myrtle. I got lucky in that that one was easy to write since I found so many newspaper article from her local paper and the history she lived through was exciting (and in history books). I've long had an interest in WWII so I was surprised and excited to learn things I hadn't already known: that other places were bombed the same day as Pearl Harbor, and about the Repatriation voyage of the Gripsholm & Amasa Maru. Fascinating stuff!


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