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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Blogging Vacation, Coming Changes, and Happy New Year!

Hello to all my readers. I just wanted to let you know that I will taking a blogging vacation for the month of January. I will be back to blogging in February --- or sooner if I go into withdrawal, lol!

During this break – once I get back from actual vacation (this is a pre-scheduled post. I’m writing it on the 29th and it will show up on the 31st if all goes well) – updates and modifications will be made to the blog over the course of the coming month. My Resources page desperately needs updating, and my Bookmarks need to be cleared out/pruned yet still available. One will feed the other. In fact, I’m currently thinking that I will end up with four Resource pages: One for the U.S., one for Canada, one for Germany, and one for Scotland. Germany & Scotland will be rather sparse initially but I will fill in as I do more with my ancestors in those countries in the coming years. The Canadian page won’t be sparse, but it will skew towards lower Ontario (the Huron Tract area mostly), Quebec, and New Brunswick.

I also need to update my Favorite Blogs page. That’s also way behind where I am now in what or who I regularly follow. Should I also include the non-genealogy blogs I follow, I wonder, or just leave it related to my blog’s subject matter? Any suggestions? What would you like to see?

I also will be organizing my research a bit & trying to fix whatever went wrong with my genea-software. Everything is on; I’m not worried about losing information. But it’s extremely inconvenient and rather aggravating. I need to fix it. I also owe someone who helped me a great deal an update on my branches of her tree.  And I’m not giving myself a deadline for any of this  as I’m really tired of major weekly deadlines on top of my regular job. I loved doing the challenge but I’m also glad it’s done as I’m tired and need some restoration time.

So ….  see you in a month!  Until then, Happy New Year! May it be a blessed one for you!. Enjoy winter! Feel free to drop in on occasion to see what’s changed.


  1. All the best for 2015, Jo and congratulations on completing the 52 Ancestors challenge - very impressive!

    1. Thank you , Dara! I'm one shy of 52, but per time left and my energy levels I was/am done. I very happy with how much I got done. I hope you have a healthy, happy and productive (the latter if you want it so) New Year!

  2. Jo. Happy New Year! Good for you for allowing yourself some time off. I look forward to whatever changes you make on your blog. 😃

    1. Thank you, Diana! It's been interesting seeing and realizing what all I have bookmarked. In addition to sites I used last year in my research (or on the blog), there are also quite a bit that I tagged "for the future" and didn't even get a chance to use much last year because the 52 Ancestors challenge was too fast for a beginner (who can't write short essays, lol).


Hello! Thanks for stopping by and choosing to leave a message. I read every message and I usually reply via the comment thread. [I recently discovered that I've been having technical difficulties with receiving notification of comments for the last year (2019 through Jan 2020). I think I've fixed that now. I hope. My apologies if you were caught up in that. I think I"ve caught up with, and replied to, all the comments now. EDIT: I continue to have problems. I will respond as soon as I find out there's been a comment.]