Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.

Climbing My Family Tree: Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased;
Image from Pixabay,com

In my last post, I introduced you to my third-great Aunt, Mary Snyder Stump Kaschele.  When she was 30, her husband of eleven years died at the age of 44, leaving her a widow with four children under the age of 9.  Frederick died intestate (without a will).  Wyandot County, Ohio, Probate Court Judge Joel W. Gibson appointed Mary to be the Administratrix of the Estate  -- the person who cares for the property, collects debts owed to the person who died, determines the names and addresses of all potential beneficiaries, and oversees the process of moving the estate case through court and makes sure all the steps required by law get done and  ensures that the assets of the estate are distributed according to state law. As part of that responsibility, Mary had to ensure that the Estate be inventoried and appraised at the fair market value of each item before the Estate could be valued and distributed to the beneficiaries. Here, I am transcribing the Probate Court record of that Inventory and Appraisal (I will post a picture and then follow it with the transcription of that page, or pages). It’s an interesting peek back through history into what farm life was like in the late 1800’s, through the items (legal word: chattels) and animals essential to that life for Frederick and Mary.

Note that there is a small list of items and animals that were given to [‘set off’ for] Mary and the children without an appraisal. The appraisers also specified certain items and monies to provide for the support of Mary and her children for one year. (It wasn’t a huge amount. That may have played into her decision to marry a neighbor nine years her junior only one month after the filing of the Inventory and Appraisal, see prior post

[Apologies on the spacing of signatures and in columns. It's right before I publish it, and wrong immediately thereafter. I've tried to fix it several times, but it won't stay corrected.]

Climbing My Family Tree: Page 475 (right) - Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Record, Wyandot County, Probate Court
Page 475 (right side)
(Click to make bigger)
[p. 475]
Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Be remembered that on the 11th day of February A.D. 1881, Mary Stump Administratix of the estate of Frederick Stump deceased filed herein in the Probate Court of Wyandot County, Ohio an Inventory and Appraisement of the personal estate of said decedent which inventory and appraisement is in the words and figures following, to wit:

-Order to Appraise-
The state of Ohio Wyandot County, ss: In Probate Court. In the matter of the Estate of Frederick Stump, deceased to M O [????], William Jenkins and D D Cole Appraisers, Greeting you are hereby notified that you have been appointed by the Probate Court of said County to appraise the personal estate and effects belonging to the estate of Frederick Stump late of Richland Township in said County deceased. These are therefore to authorize and require you, well and truly, to appraise all the personal estate and effects of the deceased which shall be presented to you by Mary Stump Administratix of said estate and also to perform all other duties required by law of you in the premises as appraisers and you are further commended to deliver this order with your proceedings thereon to the said Admix that the same may be returned to said court within three months from the date hereof. Witness my signature as judge of the Probate Court of Upper Sandusky Ohio, 30th day of December A.D. 1880.
[Signed] Joel W Gibson,
  Probate Judge.

Return of Order
To the Hon. Joel Gibson Probate Judge the undersigned Mary Stump Administratrix of the Estate of the said Frederick Stump deceased makes return of the foregoing order with the proceedings had in pursuance thereof together with a copy of the notice given of the time and place of the making of the within inventory and appraisement.                        [Signed] Mary Stump
Dated February 11th 1881                                                        Administratrix.

Notice of Appraisement
Estate of Frederick Stump deceased Notice whereby given that an Inventory and Appraisement of the estate and property of Frederick Stump late of Wyandot County deceased will be taken at his late residents in the Richland Township on the 18th day of January 1881 commencing at 9:00 AM and continuing from day to day until completed.
Dated this 11th day of January 1881.                                                       Mary Stump

The state of Ohio, Wyandot County, ss: Mary Stump Administratrix of the Estate of Frederick Stump deceased make oath that copies of the above notice of the time and place of the making of the within

Climbing My Family Tree: Pages 476 & 477 - Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Record, Wyandot County, Probate CourtPages 476 and 477
(Click to make bigger)

[p. 476]
Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate and property of Frederick Stump, Dec’d, were posted up in two of the most public places in Richland Township wherein the said deceased last dwelt and were served on all of the errors at law, legatees, and next of kin of said decedent residing in said County at least five days prior thereto.                                          [Signed] Mary Stump
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 11th day of February 1881. Joel W Gibson,               Probate Judge.

Oath of Appraisers
The State of Ohio Wyandot County, ss: we the undersigned do make solemn oath that we will truly honestly and impartially appraise the Estate and property that may be exhibited to us belonging to the estate of Frederick Stump deceased and perform the other duties required by law of us in the premises as appraisers according to the best of our knowledge and ability.
M O [????]
Wm Jenkins
DD Cole.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me by the said appraisers on the 18 day of January A.D. 1881. Jonathan Bowser, Mayor.

Inventory and Appraisement

Estate of Frederick Stump deceased Schedule “A”. 
In compliance with the Statute (O Laws Vol.75 [?] 869 Sec [???]), the undersigned appraisers set off to the Widow and (4) minor children under 15 years of age of said decedent the following articles without appraisement. The same being excerpt from administration, to wit: First One Sewing Machine 25.00, one stove & out fit 15.00, one Bible, schoolbooks, County Atlas, etc., thirty-one cow, three beds and bedsteads, twelve sheep.
Dated January 18, 1881.                                              M.O. [????])
             Wm Jenkins) Appraisers.
             DD Cole)

Estate of Frederick Stump deceased, Schedule “B”.
The said decedent leavng a widow and four children under 15 years of age we do set off and allowed to Mary Stump Widow and Benjamin Frederick Edward Daisy children of said decedent under the age of 15 the following property for their support for one year from the death of said decedent to wit:
1 Eighteen bushels of wheat                                                                        18.00
2 Fruit in Cans                                                                                               5.00
3 Sider in Barrels                                                                                           3.00
4 Pork in Barrels                                                                                          30.00
5 Lard in Cans                                                                                               7.80
6 Fruit in Jars                                                                                                 1.00
7 Apples in Bin                                                                                              6.00
8 Potatoes in Bin                                                                                            9.00
and there not being sufficient property of a suitable

[p. 477]

kind to set off we certify that they will need in money the sum of seven hundred twenty-one dollars distributed as follows:
To  one hundred and twenty  March 18, 1881                                           120.00
To  May 20, 1881  one hundred+twenty                                                    120.00
To  July 20, 1881  one hundred+twenty                                                    120.00
To  September 20, 1881  one hundred+twenty                                          120.00
To  November 20, 1881  one hundred+twenty                                          120.00
To  January 18, 1882  one hundred and twenty-one                                  121.00
Total in money and property allowed                                                        800.00

Dated January 18, 1881                                                                             MO [????])
                   Wm Jenkins) Appraisers
                   DD Cole)

Estate of Frederick Stump Deceased Schedule “D”.
Personal goods and chattels. The following personal goods and chattels belonging to the Estate of the said deceased which are assets in the hands of the said Mary Stump Administratrix as Exhibited to us by her we appraise as follows:
No. of Item         Weigh or Measure           Description of Articles Appraised Appraised Value
1                            21                                         Iron Kettles taken by widow                            3.00
2                            1                                           Saddle          “                “                                 1.00
3                            2                                           Shovel Plows “             “                                  1.25
5                            2                                           Augers & Knife   taken by widow                   1.00
6                            2                                           Hay rakes            “                “                          1.00
7                            1                                           Grain Cradle       “                 “                         1.00
8                                                                         Lumber                taken by widow                   3.00
9                            4 bn                                      Flaxseed              “               “                         40.00
10                                                                       Clover Seed       “               “                          24.00
11                          1                                           Sow                      “             “                          12.00
12                          12                                         Pigs                       taken by widow                20.00
13                          1                                           Spotted Cow       “             “                           20.00
14                          1                                           Red Cow              “             “                          20.00
15                                                                       light red Cow      “             “                           20.00
16                          one                                      White Heifer       taken by widow                   20.00
17                          one                                       Red        “               “           “                          20.00
18                          2                                           Yearling Cattle   “            “                             20.00
19                          1                                           Roan Heifer        taken by widow                  20.00
20                          3                                           Calves                  “             “                          15.00
21                          1                                           Sulky Plow           “             “                           3.00
22                          1                                           Shovel + c            “             “                           1.00
23                          1                                           Grindstone          taken by widow                     .50
24                          1                                           Wagon                 “             “                          15.00
25                          1                                           Plow                     “             “                          3.00
26                          2                                           Hay Forks            “             “                             .75
27                          2 set                                     Harness                “             “                          15.00
28                          1                                           Grey Mare           “             “                          90.00
29                          One                                      Bay Mare             “             “                          15.00
30                          1 pr                                      Bob Sled              “             “                            1.00
31                          150                                      shuck-corn in shuck  taken by widow            75.00
32                          One                                      Harrow                               “             “             4.00

Climbing My Family Tree: Page 478 (left) - Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Estate Inventory of Frederick Stump, Deceased; Mary Stump Admix.
Record, Wyandot County, Probate CourtPage 478 (left side)
(Click to make bigger)

[p. 478]

33                          One                                      Reaper                                “             “             20.00
34                          One ½                                  Grain Drill                           “             “           10.00
35                          3 ½         To                         hay in Barn                         “             “             25.00
36                                                                      Barley & Oats in Mow     “             “               15.00
37                          35 Acres                              Wheat in ground      taken by widow             150.00
Dated January 18, 1881                                [signed]          M. O. [????] )
                                                                                             Wm. Jenkins)    Appraisers
                                                                                             D.D. Cole      )

Recapitulation of the assets belonging to said Estate.
Total appraisement of personal goods and chattels, as per schedule D      $776.75.
Dated January 18, 1881                                [signed]          M. O. [????] )
                                                                                             Wm. Jenkins)    Appraisers
                                                                                             D.D. Cole)

The State of Ohio Wyandot County, ss: Before the subscriber Judge of the Probate Court within and for said County on the 11th day of February A.D. 1881 personally appeared Mary Stump Administratrix of the Estate of Frederick Stump late of said County deceased and being duly qualified she did depose and say that the foregoing inventory is in all respects just and true that it contains a true statement of all the estate and property of the said deceased which has come to the knowledge of said affiant being assets etc. and particularly of all moneys bank bills and other circulating medium belonging to the deceased and of all just claims of the said deceased against the said affiant and all other persons according to the best of her knowledge.                                                                                                                    [signed]               “Mary Stump”
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me the day and year first above written.
                                                                                                                        Joel W Gibson
                                                                                                                        Probate Judge

Administrix Inventory of Estate of Frederick Stump, 11 Febr. 1881, 3 pages. Inventories and Appraisements 1874-1881, vol 4-5,(pp475-478 of original & pp of 600-602 of digital scan);Wyandot;Ohio Probate Records, 1789-1996;

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Mary Snyder Stumpp Kachele (approx 1850-1926), my third great aunt, mid- 19th C Hesse Immigrant to USA

Mary Snyder emigrated from Hesse with her parents in the early 1850s. (Germany wasn’t a country yet.) She would’ve been a baby or toddler for the trip. Mary is another female ancestor that I don’t have much on until she married because I’ve so far been unable to find when exactly the family emigrated, on what ship, and where exactly they initially lived in Pennsylvania (the birthplace of two of her siblings, Dena and John, per censuses). So I’ll leave the discussion of those points to later post when him able to tell the story of her parents, Johannes Schneider (John Snyder, 1819-1907) and Margarethe Barbara Pink Schneider (Snyder, about 1825-about 1890).

I know the family had moved to Ohio by at least 1859, as Mary's sister Margaret was born in Ohio in that year and all of her younger siblings (Lizzie, Benjamin, and Charles) were also born in Ohio. German settlers were among the earliest in Ohio, and by 1850, nearly one-half of Ohio’s immigrant population came from various parts of the German principalities (Germany as a united country did not exist yet), so the family would likely have felt comfortable in moving to a where so many shared their culture. In fact, in certain areas of Ohio, German was the main language spoken. However, in the 1850s, anti-German sentiment began to rise, promoted by a political party called the Know-Nothings, U.S. nativists who felt the German immigrants threatened their jobs and American values and democracy, which targeted those of German descent because of their different language, different customs, and sometimes different religious and political beliefs. Many people in the US with nativist leanings hoped to either limit immigration or to force foreigners to convert to US customs and beliefs. Anti-German attitudes even led to the Cincinnati riots of 1855, during which a nativist mob tried to invade a mainly German neighborhood in that city, in order to steal the ballot boxes allegedly to protect the current city election from their foreign influence. The Germans constructed a barricade across the street leading into the neighborhood and after three days of fighting were able to force the mob to retreat. The nativist attitudes slowly diminished as concerns about slavery and possible war with the southern states rose higher.

Mid-19th Century Political Cartoon reflecting the charges
of the Know Nothing Party against immigrants.
Click to make bigger.

Nativist Paper
Click to Make Bigger.

Mary’s family chose to move to a more rural area of Ohio and settled into farming an area of the state on the Hancock and Wyandot County lines (the county lines moved around a bit before settling down – for a neat animated map showing Ohio County boundary changes, see here). On May 30, 1869, Mary, certifying that she was over the age of 18, married Frederick Stump, who certified that he was over the age of 21. In actuality, Mary was about 18 years old and Frederick was 33. Frederick was also an immigrant to the United States; he was born in Württemberg, Germany, in about 1836. His family had been in the country longer than Mary’s. Frederick owned the farm directly across the street from Mary’s family farm.

Frederick’s farm was larger than Mary’s father’s farm. I don’t know whether Mary and Frederick married for love, or whether it was more of a business connection for her father. It only in the early 19th century that the idea of affectionate marriages spread to rural Americans, so it is quite possible that being neighbors and seeing each other in the course of daily life, and church, and social events, the two had developed an affection for one another. Long engagements were common as it was not considered proper for a young couple to marry until the man had the ability to support his wife in a decent home. Since Frederick indicated that he was a citizen in the 1870 census, Mary became a US citizen when she married him if he was already a citizen at the time they married in 1869, or when he attained his citizenship if it was after the marriage, as in the mid-19th century a woman’s ability become a naturalized citizen was completely dependent on her marital status and on whether her husband was a citizen.

Climbing My Family Tree: Detail of 1879 Richland Wyandot  Ohio Land Ownership Map (Snyder, Stump, Kachley/Kachele)
Detail of 1879 Richland Wyandot  Ohio Land Ownership Map (Snyder, Stump, Kachly/Kachele)
Click to make bigger

At least coming from living on a farm, Mary would have known what she was getting into before she married Frederick. Women on farms not only kept the home (before electricity and indoor plumbing) and cared for the children, but were expected to help their husband with nearly every aspect of farming as needed. Articles from the time showed that Mary’s wifely duties would have included making clothes for the family, doing laundry in a pot over the fire, ironing and mending, cleaning house, hauling water, cooking three meals a day, from scratch, keeping the family farm garden and seasonal preserving of fruits, vegetables and meat. Perhaps raising chickens, and definitely raising children during planting and harvest she might also have helped her husband in the fields. Mary and Frederick had four children, Benjamin (1872-1953, m. Ella M. Benjamin); Frederick Grant (1874-1953, m. Ella Caroline Zimmerman); Edward, (1876-1958, m. Ivy Hellen Wise); and, Daisy (1878-1884).

Frederick was surveyed for a non-population schedule of the census in 1880, in which he answered questions about his farm. He owned it. He had 130 acres tilled, 5 acres in permanent meadows or pastures, 30 acres of woodland and forest, and estimated the value of the farm, including land, fences and buildings to be $8000 ($178,322 in today’s money according to an interactive inflation calculator I found online: He also estimated that he had $200 worth of farming implements machinery, and $400 worth of livestock. He paid his hired hands $450 over the course of 1879, and estimated that he produced $900 worth of stuff from the farm. As to their livestock such, they had on hand as of June 1, 1880: four milk cows and 17 “other”; and had sold three cows for meat; they had 400 pounds of butter produced; 113 sheep; 19 swine; 40 barnyard poultry which produced 300 eggs in 1879. They also had 15 acres of Indian corn valued at $400; 4 acres of oats valued at $125; 33 acres of wheat valued at $500; 20 acres planted in flax and 140 bushels of flaxseed.

Climbing My Family Tree: 1880 U.S. Census - Frederick and Mary (Snyde) Stump family
1880 U.S. Census - Frederick and Mary (Snyder) Stump family
Click to Make Bigger

The regular portion of the 1880 census shows that Frederick was 44 and Mary was 28. Benjamin is 8, Frederick is 5, Edward is 3, and Daisy is 1. Benjamin and Frederick, Jr, are at school during the day. For some unknown reason, Mary lists her birth and that of her parents as Baden, when in every other census where the question is asked, and in other documentation, she indicated that she was from Hesse. Frederick is indicated as having dropsy, an old-fashioned word for edema, which is a swelling of the body (usually hands, arms, feet, ankles, and legs) caused by excess fluid trapped in the body’s tissues which is quite painful. It is often associated with serious diseases such as congestive heart failure. Frederick died six months later on 21 December 1880; he was only 45.

Frederick died without a will. In a document filed December 30, 1880, the probate court of Wyandot County, appointed Mary as administratrix of the estate and required that Mary, as principal, and her father, John Schneider, and a neighbor, Simon Kachley, as sureties, were required to submit $1000 bond, to be forfeited if Mary did not have an inventory of the real estate of the deceased, and all monies, goods, chattels, rights and credits submitted to the court within three months, and did not have an accounting of the estate done within 18 months. She had the estate appraised by M O William Jenkins and D L Cole. [I found the handwritten of appraisal of the goods and chattels of the farm in the FamilySearch browsable probate records for Ohio, and will transcribe those for a blog post to be posted later in the month as it’s an interesting look into what is kept on a 19th-century farm]. The appraisal stated that the assets belonging to the estate of personal goods and chattels amounted to a value of $776.25. $776 in 1880 is equivalent to $17,297.32 in 2016.

Climbing My Family Tree: Administrator's Bonds, Wyandot County OH (Stump)
Administrator's Bonds, Right side

Mary was left a young widow with four children under the age of eight, with a huge farm to run. It’s quite likely that her father and the neighbors helped her run the farm while it was in probate. Mary submitted the inventory and appraisal of the estate on February 11, 1881. On March 17, 1881, Mary married Daniel Kachele, who I think was Simon Kachley’s (one of the sureties) younger brother. Daniel Kachele was 21 years of age and Mary was 30. Under the law of the time, when they married, the property Mary had inherited from her first husband became Daniel’s and he was obligated under the law to support her and be responsible for her debts. I hope she knew him from neighborhood, and liked him, before marrying him to have someone to support her children and run the farm.

Mary and Daniel had six children: Emmanuel Jacob (1882-1944, m. Arizone Segriest); Anna (1884 -?); Margret (1886 - ?); Mary (1888- 1930, m. Lawrence Stout); Daniel Ellsworth (1891 - ?, he married but I’m uncertain of the wife’s name); and Esther (1896- 1977, m. Harry Pemberton, and later Pearl C. Oxley). While she was pregnant with Anna, in 1884, Mary’s youngest child from her first marriage, Daisy, died at age 5. Heartbreaking.

Later, in 1911, Mary’s youngest child with Daniel, their 14-year-old daughter, Esther, must’ve terrified and infuriated her parents, when she and her 13-year-old boyfriend, Harry Pemberton, hopped a train to Detroit without telling anyone, and then popped over to Windsor CA to get married! They had recently told their parents that they wanted to get married, and both sets of parents, of course, objected, because of the young ages. The stunt made at least seven papers across the state of Ohio the next day.

Climbing My Family Tree: Children Elope To Marry in Canada (Harry Pemberton, 13, and Esther Kachele, 14)
Children Elope To Marry in Canada
(Harry Pemberton, 13, and Esther Kachele, 14)
Click to Make bigger

Mary and Daniel lived the rest of their life together in Richland Township in Wyandot County, Ohio.  They were successful and wealthy farmers. Industrial innovation brought some more ease to farming and keeping house, but farming remained difficult work. At the age of 76, Mary suffered a stroke on April 16 and died almost 3 months later on July 9, 1926. Daniel was 66 when Mary died. He lived another 20 years and never remarried.

If anyone knows through which port Mary and her parents immigrated to the USA - on either end, or where they lived in Pennsylvania, or where they were in 1860, I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment or use the email address in my Contac Me page above.

U.S. Censuses for 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920; Ohio Births and Christening Index; Hancock County Marriage Record for Frederick Stump and Mary Snider; Wyandot County Marriage Record for Daniel Kachele and Mary Stump; Obituary of John Snyder, Upper Sandusky Daily Chief, November 19, 1907, p 4 col.1; Ohio Wills and Probate Records for Frederick Stump; Snyder, Mary (Kachele) , Obituary, The Courier-Crescent, Orrville, Ohio Friday, July 9, 1926; "Children Elope To Marry In Canada," The Akron Beacon Journal, Akron, Ohio, 20 Feb 1911, p. 5;;;;;;;;;;;;;